Featured Properties
Featured For Lease
عند الترجمة
- 33-00000001 Listing ID
- 852 Available Space (m²)
- Immediately Availability
- 1,000 Total Building Size (m²)
- 677 Typical Floor Size (m²)
- office Property Type
- 1,945 Year Built
- A Building Class
- 4 # of Stories
Featured For Lease
قابل للتفاوض
- 44-0000001 Listing ID
- 905 Available Space (m²)
- Immediately Availability
- 17,509 Total Building Size (m²)
- 677 Typical Floor Size (m²)
- office Property Type
- 2,001 Year Built
- A Building Class
- 41 # of Stories
Featured For Lease
عند الترجمة
- 34-0000001 Listing ID
- 927 Available Space (m²)
- Immediately Availability
- 4,636.60 Total Building Size (m²)
- 677 Typical Floor Size (m²)
- office Property Type
- 2,017 Year Built
- A Building Class
- 17 # of Stories
What are you looking for?
Industrial real estate is the commercial sector including manufacturing, production, research and development, storage and distribution facilities.
Office real estate includes single-tenant properties, small professional office buildings, downtown skyscrapers, and everything in between.
Retail real estate includes everything from shopping centers, supermarkets, dry-cleaners, cafes, florists, pharmacies, bike shops, fashion stores and so on.